Setup Wizard
Accessing the Wizard
The setup wizard helps you create an organization and site add devices and set up WiFi networks quickly. The wizard appears automatically after you log in the first time or if there is no organization created under your account. The wizard also starts when you click Create Organization from the Organization drop-down list box in the title bar.
Using the Wizard
The welcome screen displays when you are creating the first organization under your account. Click Let’s Start.
Step 1 Create an organization and site
Enter a descriptive name for your organization and site. Select the time zone of your location. This will set the time difference between your time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Click Next to continue the wizard.
Step 2 Add your devices
Enter a device’s MAC address and serial number, then click the + Add button to register and add it to the site. You can register multiple devices at a time. Click Next to proceed. You can also leave the fields blank and click Next to move on to the next step without adding a device.
Step 3 Set up your WiFi network
Configure the WiFi settings for the managed APs. Enter the WiFi network name (SSID) and the WiFi password. Configure the ID number of the VLAN to which the SSID belongs. Click Next to proceed. You can also leave the fields blank and click Next to move on to the next step without setting up the main WiFi network.
Step 4 Set up a Guest WiFi network
Configure WiFi and VLAN settings for guest users. If you want to enable web authentication, select Clicking “Agree” to access the network to block network traffic until a client agrees to the policy of user agreement. Otherwise, select Using their Facebook account to join the network to block network traffic until the client logs in using his/her existing Facebook account. Click Next to proceed. You can also leave the fields blank and click Next to move on to the next step without setting up the guest WiFi network.
A summary of the wizard configuration will display. You can click a section’s gray edit icon (

) to modify its setting. If you want to save your changes click
Go to Nebula Dashboard; otherwise click
Exit Wizard to close the wizard screen without saving the settings.