Label | Description |
Tag | Select one or multiple sites and click this button to create a new tag for the site(s) or delete an existing tag. |
Delete | Select the site(s) and click this button to remove it. |
Search | Enter a key word as the filter criteria to filter the list of sites. |
Sites | This shows the number of sites in this organization. |
Over the last day | This shows how many clients associated with the sites in this organization and the total amount of data transmitted or received by the clients in the past day. |
Export | Click this button to save the site list as a CSV or XML file to your computer. |
Status | This shows whether the site is online (green), has generated alerts (amber), goes off-line during the past day (red) or has been off-line for at least one week (gray). |
Name | This shows the descriptive name of the site. |
Usage | This shows the amount of data consumed by the site. |
Client | This shows the number of clients associated with the site. |
Tag | This shows the user-specified tag that is added to the site. |
Site Health | This shows the percentage of uptime in a given time interval to indicate the site’s network availability. • Green: 95-100% Network uptime • Dark green: 75-95% Network uptime • Brown: 50-75% Network uptime • Red: <50% Network uptime • Grey: No uptime data |
Device | This shows the total number of Nebula devices deployed in the site. |
Offline device | This shows the number of off-line Nebula devices deployed in the site. |
% Offline | This shows what percentage of the connected clients are currently off-line. |
![]() | Click this icon to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields. |
Label | Description |
Search | Enter a key word as the filter criteria to filter the list of tags. |
Site tags | This shows the number of site tags created and added to the sites in this organization. |
Over the last day | This shows how many clients associated with the sites in this organization and the total amount of data transmitted or received by the clients in the past day. |
Export | Click this button to save the tag list as a CSV or XML file to your computer. |
Status | This shows whether the device is online (green), has generated alerts (amber), or goes off-line during the past day (red) or has been off-line for at least one week (gray). |
Tag | This shows the tag created and added to the site. |
Site | This shows the name of the site to which the tag is added. |
Offline device | This shows the number of off-line Nebula devices deployed in the site. |
Client | This shows the number of clients associated with the site. |
Usage | This shows the amount of data consumed by the site. |
Device | This shows the total number of Nebula devices deployed in the site. |
Offline site | This shows the number of off-line sites to which the tag is added. |
% Offline | This shows what percentage of the sites are currently off-line. |
![]() | Click this icon to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields. |
Label | Description |
Search | Enter a key word as the filter criteria to filter the list of connected devices. |
Devices | This shows the number of Nebula devices assigned to the sites in this organization. |
Over the last day | This shows how many clients associated with the sites in this organization and the total amount of data transmitted or received by the clients in the past day. |
Export | Click this button to save the device list as a CSV or XML file to your computer. |
Status | This shows whether the device is online (green), has generated alerts (amber), or goes off-line during the past day (red) or has been off-line for at least one week (gray). |
Model | This shows the model number of the device. |
Name | This shows the descriptive name of the device. |
Site | This shows the name of the site to which the device is connected. |
MAC address | This shows the MAC address of the device. |
Tag | This shows the user-specified tag for the device. |
Client | This shows the number of the clients which are currently connected to the device. |
Usage | This shows the amount of data consumed by the device. |
Serial number | This shows the serial number of the device. |
Configuration status | This shows whether the configuration on the device is up-to-date. |
Connectivity | This shows the device connection status. The red time slot indicates the connection to the NCC is down, and the green time slot indicates the connection is up. Move the cursor over a time slot to see the actual date and time when a device is connected or disconnected. |
Public IP | This shows the global (WAN) IP address of the device. |
![]() | Click this icon to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields. |
Label | Description |
Keyword | Click to enter one or more key words as the search criteria to filter the list of logs. |
Range/Before | Select Range to set a time range or select Before to choose a specific date/time and the number of hours to display only the log messages generated within a certain period of time (before the specified date/time). |
Reset filters | Click this to return the search criteria to the previously saved time setting. |
Search | Click this to update the list of logs based on the search criteria. |
Newer/Older | Click to view a list of log messages with the most recent or oldest message displayed first. |
This shows the total number of the log messages that match the search criteria. It also shows the date and time the very first log was created. | |
Export | Click this button to save the log list as a CSV or XML file to your computer. |
Time (UTC) | This shows the date and time the log was recorded. |
Admin | This shows the name of the administrator who made the changes. |
Site | This shows the name of the site to which the change was applied. |
SSID | This shows the SSID name to which the change was applied. |
Page | This shows the name of the NCC menu in which the change was made. |
Label | This shows the reason for the log. |
Old value | This shows the old setting that was discarded and overwritten with the new attribute value. |
New value | This shows the new setting that was adopted. |
Label | Description |
Add to ... | Click this button to assign the selected device(s) to an existing site. |
Unregister | Click this button to remove the selected device(s) from the organization. |
Unused | Click this button to show the Nebula device(s) which is not assigned to a site yet. |
Used | Click this button to show the Nebula device(s) which has been assigned to a site. |
Both | Click this button to show all Nebula devices which are registered for the organization. |
Search | Enter a key word as the filter criteria to filter the list of connected devices. |
Devices | This shows the number of the devices in the list. |
Register | Click this button to pop up a window where you can register a device by entering its MAC address and serial number even before the device is connected to a site. You can click template in the pop-up window to download the template (an example Excel file), add devices information in the Excel file, and then click import to register multiple devices quickly by importing the Excel file. |
Export | Click this button to save the device list as a CSV or XML file to your computer. |
MAC address | This shows the MAC address of the device. |
Serial number | This shows the serial number of the device. |
Site | This shows the name of the site to which the device is connected. |
Model | This shows the model number of the device. |
Registered on | This shows the date and time that the device was registered at the NCC. |
Country | This shows the country where the device is located. |
Label | Description |
Nebula Control Center License / Nebula Security Service License | |
Status | This shows whether the license is active. |
Expiration date | This shows the date the license expires. |
Remaining | This shows the number of days remaining before the license expires. |
Calculator | Click the button to open a screen where you can determine the additional license credit (device points) you should get to allow more time for the service. Select a date to which you want to extend the expiration date for the current license. You should purchase the device points in increments of 10. Therefore, the required minimum device points (based on the date you specified) might be different to the actual device points you can purchase. The screen also shows the actual date the license will expire after you get the device points. |
Devices | This shows the model name and the number of Nebula devices that you can manage with the current license. |
# SP / # Device | This shows how many security gateways have security services enabled and the total number of security gateways registered to the organization. |
Nebula points for 1 year of NCC service | This shows the number of device points (license credit) you need to have one-year NCC service for the Nebula devices listed above in the Devices section. |
Nebula Security Points for 1 year of NSS-SP service | This shows the number of device points (license credit) you need to have one-year NSS-SP service for the Nebula devices listed above in the Devices section. |
Activated | Click this button to show the service that has been activated. |
Registered | Click this button to show the service that has been registered. |
Both | Click this button to show the service that has been registered and also activated |
Register | Click this button and enter your license key(s) to register a new service. |
License Key | This shows the license key for the service. |
Type | This shows how the service is registered. |
Service | This shows the type of the service. It shows NCC-1Yr Bundle if the Nebula managed device is offered one-year NCC service. The license will be automatically activated when the device is registered. It shows Empty if the device doesn’t have any NCC service license. It shows NCC Stay or NCC+NSS Stay when the device is removed (unregistered) from the organization but the device’s license credit is still valid and belongs to this organization. To transfer the license credit to another organization, please go to Help > Support request to submit a ticket. It shows the number of Nebula Points or Nebula Security Points that have been transferred t o another organization when the Type is Transfer out or transferred from other organization(s) to this organization when the Type is Transfer in. It also shows the number of points the organization obtained when a service is registered with a new license key (Type is Add license) or received for free when the Type is Promotion. |
Activated at | This shows when the service is activated. |
Status | This shows whether the service is registered (and activated). |
Action | Click the Activate button to activate or extend the service with the license key. You can renew the license’s expiration date. |
Device | This shows the model name of the Nebula device which you can manage with the license. |
MAC address | This shows the MAC address of the Nebula device which you can manage with the license. |
Serial number | This shows the serial number of the Nebula device which you can manage with the license. |
Label | Description |
Name | Enter a descriptive name for the organization. |
Security | |
Idle timeout | Select ON and enter the number of minutes each user can be logged in and idle before the NCC automatically logs out the user. Select OFF if you don’t want the NCC to log out users. |
Login IP ranges | Select ON and specify the IP address range of the computers from which an administrator is allowed to log into the NCC. Select OFF to allow any IP address of the computer from which an administrator can log into the NCC. |
Import certificate | Select ON to import a certificate that can be used by connected Nebula APs in WPA2 authentication. |
Certificate | This shows the name used to identify the certificate. |
Status | This shows whether the certificate is active. |
Actions | Click Edit to change the certificate name or password or replace the certificate. |
Update certificate | Click this button to save a new certificate to the NCC. |
Add certificate | Click this button to save a certificate to the NCC. |
Name | Enter a name for the certificate. |
File Path | Click to find the certificate file you want to upload. |
Password | Enter the certificate file’s password. |
Add | Click this button to save your changes. |
Cancel | Click this button to return the screen to its last-saved settings. |
Delete this organization | Click the Delete organization button to remove the organization when it doesn’t have any sites, devices or users. |
Label | Description |
Force logout | Click this button to force the selected account(s) to log out of the NCC. |
Delete | Click this button to remove the selected account(s). |
Search | Specify your desired filter criteria to filter the list of administrator accounts. |
administrators | This shows the number of administrator accounts in the list. |
Import | Click this button to create administrator accounts in bulk by importing a complete list of all new administrators in an Excel file. |
Add | Click this button to create a new administrator account. See Create/Update Administrator. |
Name | This shows the name of the administrator account. |
Email address | This shows the email address of the administrator account. |
Privilege | This shows whether the administrator account has read-only, monitor-only, guest ambassador, or read and write (full) access to the organization and sites. Installer indicates the administrator account can register devices at a site. Owner indicates the administrator account is the creator of the organization, who has full access to that organization and cannot be deleted by other administrators. |
Account status | This shows whether the administrator account has been validated (OK). It shows Deactivated if an administrator account has been created but can not be used. This may happen since you can only have up to five active administrator account on Nebula (free). |
Last access time | This shows the last date and time traffic was sent from the administrator account. |
Create date | This shows the date and time the administrator account was created. |
Status change date | This shows the last date and time the administrator account status was changed. |
Label | Description |
Name | Enter a descriptive name for the administrator account. |
Email | Enter the email address of the administrator account, which is used to log into the NCC. This field is read-only if you are editing an existing account. |
Organization access | Set the administrator account’s access to the organization. When an administrator account has read and write (Full) access, the administrator can create or delete other administrator accounts, create or delete a site, and add or renew licenses for Nebula devices in the organization. ![]() If you select Read-only, the administrator account can be the organization administrator (that has no write access to the organization) and also be a site administrator. If you select None, the administrator account can only be a site administrator. |
Activated | Select Yes to enable the account or No to temporarily disable the account. |
YES, I want to do it. | The check box displays only when an administrator that has full access to the organization selects No in the Activated field to disable his/her account. ![]() |
Site | This field is available only when you set the account’s organization access to Read-only or None. Select the site to which you want to set the account’s access. You can also select the site tag created using the Organization > Monitor > Overview: Sites screen. |
Privilege | This field is available only when you set the account’s organization access to Read-only or None. Set the administrator account’s access to the site. You can select from Read-only, Monitor-only, Guest Ambassador, Installer and Full (read and write). An administrator account that has Guest Ambassador access can create, remove or mange guest accounts using the Cloud Authentication screen (see Cloud Authentication). Installer access allows an administrator to register devices at this site. |
Add | Click this button to create a new entry in order to configure the account’s access to another site. |
Close | Click this button to exit this screen without saving. |
Create admin/Update admin | Click this button to save your changes and close the screen. |
Label | Description |
Account Type | Select the type of user accounts that you want to view, manage or create. User - an internal user that can gain access to the networks by authenticating with a RADIUS server via the IEEE 802.1x or WPA2 authentication method or the captive portal. MAC - an internal user that can gain access to the networks by authenticating with a RADIUS server via the MAC-based authentication method. Guest - a guest that can gain access to the networks via the captive portal. VPN User - a L2TP VPN client that can gain access to the networks by authenticating with the Nebula cloud authentication server. |
Authorization | This button is available only when your administrator account has full access to the organization. Select one or more than one user account and click this button to configure the authorization settings for the selected user account(s). |
Remove users | This button is available only when your administrator account has full access to the organization. Select one or more than one user account and click this button to remove the selected user account(s). |
Search | Enter a key word as the filter criteria to filter the list of user accounts. |
Users | This shows how many user accounts match the filter criteria and how many user accounts of the selected type are created in total. |
Import | Click this button to create user accounts in bulk by importing a complete list of all new users in an Excel file. |
Add | Click this button to create a new user account. See Create/Update User. |
Export | Click this button to save the account list as a CSV or XML file to your computer. |
Email | This field is available only when the account type is set to User, Guest or VPN User. This shows the email address of the user account. |
Username | This field is available only when the account type is set to User, Guest or VPN User. This shows the user name of the user account. |
Description | This shows the descriptive name of the user account. |
MAC address | This field is available only when the account type is set to MAC. This shows the MAC address of the user account. |
Account type | This shows the type of the user account. |
Authorized | This shows whether the user has been authorized or not (No). If the user is authorized, it shows All sites or the name of the site to which the user is allowed access. |
Authorized by | This shows the email address of the administrator account that authorized the user. |
Expire in | This shows the date and time that the account expires. This shows - if authentication is disabled for this account. This shows Never if the account never expires. |
Login by | This field is available only when the account type is set to User, Guest or VPN User. This shows whether the user needs to log in with the email address and/or user name. |
Created by | This shows the email address of the administrator account that created the user. |
Created at | This shows the date and time that the account was created. |
![]() | Click this icon to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields. |
Label | Description |
Account type | This is the type of the user account. |
Email | Enter the email address of the user account, which is used to log into the networks. |
Username | This field is not available when the account type is MAC. Enter the user name of this account. |
Description | Enter a descriptive name for the account. |
Password | This field is not available when the account type is MAC. Enter the password of this user account. It can consist of 4 - 31 alphanumeric characters. You can click Generate to have the NCC create a password for the account automatically, and select the checkbox to send the password to the user via email. |
MAC address | This field is available only when the account type is MAC. Enter the MAC address of this account. |
Authorized | Set whether you want to authorize the user of this account. You can select to authorize the user’s access to All Sites or Specified Sites in the organization. If you select Specified Sites, a field displays allowing you to specify the site(s) to which the user access is authorized. |
Expire in | This field is available only when the user is authorized. Click Change to specify the number of minutes/hours/days/weeks the user can be logged into the network in one session before the user of this account has to log in again. Otherwise, select Never and the user of this account will never be logged out. |
Login by | This field is not available when the account type is MAC. Select whether the user needs to log in with the email address and/or user name. |
Close | Click this button to exit this screen without saving. |
Print | Click this button to print the account information. |
Create user | Click this button to save your changes and close the screen. |
Label | Description |
VPN Topology The VPN topology specifies how the Nebula gateways in the organization are connected to each other via VPN. Each map pin depicts a site. Click a map pin to show its site name. Click a line to view the VPN usage and connectivity of the VPN connection between two sites. | |
VPN Members | |
Topology | This shows the VPN topology of the organization. |
Maximum site connectivity | This shows the maximum number of Site-to-Site VPN tunnels allowed in the organization. It is determined by the maximum allowed for the smallest model. |
Connect site member | This shows the number of Site-to-Site VPN tunnels which are currently set up in the organization. |
Hub Status | This section displays when a Hub-and-Spoke VPN topology is used in the organization. |
Hub | This shows the name of the site whose security gateway acts as the hub router in the Hub-and-Spoke VPN topology Click the name to go to the Site-Wide > Dashboard screen. |
Model | This shows the model name of the security gateway assigned to the site. |
Subnet(s) | This shows the address(es) of the local network behind the security gateway, on which the computers are allowed to use the VPN tunnel. |
NSG status | This shows whether the security gateway is online or goes off-line. |
Members | This shows the number of sites which set up a VPN connection with other sites in the organization. |
NAR traversal | This shows the public IP address or the domain name that is configured and mapped to the security gateway on the NAT router. |
Site Connectivity | |
Site | This shows the name of the site in this organization. Click the name to go to the Site-Wide > Dashboard screen. |
Model | This shows the model name of the security gateway assigned to the site. |
Subnet(s) | This shows the address(es) of the local network behind the security gateway, on which the computers are allowed to use the VPN tunnel. |
NSG status | This shows whether the security gateway is online or goes off-line. |
Join member | Select ON to set the VPN topology of the security gateway to Site-to-Site by default or Hub-and-Spoke when another site in the same organization has permitted the use of Hub-and-Spoke VPN topology. Otherwise, select OFF to not set a VPN connection. This also change the VPN topology in the Gateway > Configure > Site-to-Site VPN screen (see Site-to-Site VPN). |
NAT traversal | This shows the public IP address or the domain name that is configured and mapped to the security gateway on the NAT router. |
Label | Description |
VPN usage and connectivity Move the cursor over the chart to see the transmission rate at a specific time. | |
Zoom | Select to view the statistics in the past twelve hours, day, week, month, three months or six months. |
Pan | Click to move backward or forward by 12 hours, one day or one week. |
Site Connectivity | |
Location | This shows the name of the site to which the gateway is assigned. Click the name to go to the Gateway > Configure > Site-to-Site VPN screen, where you can modify the VPN settings. |
Subnet(s) | This shows the address(es) of the local network behind the gateway. |
Status | This shows whether the VPN tunnel is connected or disconnected. |
Inbound(Bytes) | This shows the amount of traffic that has gone through the VPN tunnel from the remote IPSec router to the Nebula security gateway since the VPN tunnel was established. |
Outbound(Bytes) | This shows the amount of traffic that has gone through the VPN tunnel from the Nebula security gateway to the remote IPSec router since the VPN tunnel was established. |
Tunnel up time | This shows how many seconds the VPN tunnel has been active. |
Last heartbeat | This shows the last date and time a heartbeat packet is sent to determine if the VPN tunnel is up or down. |
Close | Click this button to exit this screen without saving. |
Label | Description |
Synchronization | |
Settings | Specify whether general site configuration or just SSID settings of a site will be propagated to other sites. Click What will be synchronized? to view detailed information. |
From source site | Select the site from which you want to copy its site configuration to other sites. |
To Site(s) | Select one or more sites to which you want to import the copied site configuration. You can also select the site tags created using the Organization > Monitor > Overview: Sites screen. |
Sync | Click this button to start synchronizing configuration settings between the selected sites. |
Switch settings clone | |
From source device | Select the Nebula switch from which you want to copy its switch port settings to other devices. |
To device(s) | Select one or more Nebula switches to which you want to import the copied switch port settings. ![]() |
Clone | Click this button to start synchronizing switch port settings between the selected devices. |
Backup & Restore ![]() | |
Site(s) settings | You can create up to three site configuration backups for the organization. The NCC automatically creates and saves one backup when you perform configuration restoration. The automatic backup cannot be deleted. |
Backup | This shows the index number of the site configuration backup. |
Description | This shows the descriptive name of the backup. ![]() |
Date (UTC) | This shows the date and time the backup was saved on the NCC server. |
Admin | This shows the name of the administrator account who performed the backup. |
Remove | Click the remove icon to delete the backup. |
Add | Click this button to create a new configuration backup of all the sites in the organization. |
Restore from backup | Select the backup you want to restore. |
Restore to site(s) | Select one or more site(s) to which you want to restore the specified configuration backup. |
Restore | Click this button to overwrite the settings of the site(s) with the selected configuration backup. |
Switch settings | At the time of writing, only one backup is allowed per device. |
Backup | This shows the index number of the switch configuration backup. |
Switch | This shows the name of the switch |
Description | This shows the descriptive name of the backup. ![]() |
Model | This shows the model number of the switch. |
Date (UTC) | This shows the date and time the backup was saved on the NCC server. |
Admin | This shows the name of the administrator account who performed the backup. |
Remove | Click the remove icon to delete the backup. |
Add | Click this button to create a new configuration backup of a specific switch. This button is clickable only when you have at least one switch in the organization. |
Restore from backup | Select the backup you want to restore. |
Restore to device(s) | Select one or more Nebula switches to which you want to restore the specified configuration backup. ![]() |
Restore | Click this button to overwrite the settings of the switch(es) with the selected configuration backup. |
Label | Description |
Create | Click this button to create a new configuration template. You can select to copy settings from an existing site or configuration template, or select to have a new template with default settings. It is optional to bind one or more sites to the template when you are creating a template. |
Delete | Click this button to remove the selected template(s). A window pops up asking you to confirm that you want to delete the template(s). If you remove a template that is being used by a site, the site will be unbound from the template automatically and retain the settings previously applied from the template. |
Search | Enter a key word as the filter criteria to filter the list of templates. |
Templates | This shows how many templates match the filter criteria and how many templates are created in total. |
Name | This shows the name of the template. |
# Bound sites | This shows the number of the site(s) bound to the template. |
Bound sites | This shows the name of the site(s) bound to the template. |
Label | Description |
Bind additional site | Click this button to bind more sites to the template. A window displays. Select the name of the site(s) in the Target sites field and click Bind. |
Unbind | Click this button to remove the selected site(s) from the template. The site which is unbound from the template still retains the settings applied from the template. |
Search | Enter a key word as the filter criteria to filter the list of sites. |
Sites | This shows how many sites match the filter criteria and how many sites are bound to the template in total. |
Name | This shows the name of the site bound to the template. |
Tag | This shows the tag(s) added to the site. |
Device | This shows the number of Nebula devices which are assigned to the site. |
Local override | This shows which settings in the template do not apply to the site. |