Support Request
If you need Zyxel customer support to help you find answers and/or solve problems, you can submit a ticket through the NCC.
*It is suggested that you check this user’s guide first to seek help and then go to the Zyxel Nebula Community before you use this screen to send a ticket.
Click Help > Still need help? > Support request to access this screen. The screen varies depending on whether you select to view the ticket details or create a new ticket.
*Direct Support for opening a ticket to get direct assistance from the Nebula technical support team is only available for Nebula Pro Pack license.
Help > Still need help?: Support request
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Help > Still need help?: Support Request 
Zyxel Support Access
Invite Zyxel support as administrator
Select ON to allow the Zyxel customer support account to access your organization temporarily, so that they can help check your configurations and log messages. At the time of writing, the support account will be deactivated automatically after 21 days. You can set the number of days, or select Never.
If you select ON, you can click here to change the support account’s name and access right to the organization and sites.
My Cases
Click this button to reload the data-related frames for this section on the page.
Select to view the details about the tickets that are still open or closed.
Case Number
This shows the number of the eITS ticket.
This shows the first date and time the ticket was created.
Last Updated
This shows the last date and time the ticket was updated.
This shows the account name of the administrator that created this ticket.
This shows the subject of the ticket.
This shows the severity level of the ticket.
This shows whether the ticket is open or closed.
This shows the name of the support person who handles the ticket.
New Case
Click this button if you want to issue a new ticket. The following fields then appear allowing you to provide the necessary information and describe the issue encountered.
Enter the subject of the ticket.
Carbon Copy (CC)
Enter the email address of the person you would like to receive a copy of the case.
Select the NCC or the name of the Nebula Device that cannot work properly.
Issue Description
Enter a complete and detailed description of your issue.
Select the severity level of the ticket. Click the Definition of priority link to see how to correctly identify a ticket’s severity level. This can help to get your problem solved quickly.
Add Another File
Click this button to upload another file.
Choose File/Browse...
Click this button to locate the file you want to upload for reference.
Click this button to remove the file you just uploaded before submitting the ticket.
Click this button to close the New Case section without saving.
Click this button to send your ticket to the Zyxel customer support.