If a site is created and selected, the Dashboard is always the first menu you see when you log into the NCC. You can also click Site-wide > Dashboard to access this screen.
It shows the status and information for all types of Nebula Devices connected to the selected site by default.
*The banner N Switches are currently protected by Auto Configuration Recovery will display when the Nebula Switch(es) is locked by NCC. Click N Switches to go to Site-wide > Monitor > Switches for more information.
Click Customize to show the Widget, Reset and Close buttons. You can then rearrange widgets by selecting a block and holding it to move around. You can also click the Widget button to collapse, add and close individual widgets. Click Reset to return the widget settings to the defaults.
Site-wide > Dashboard
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Site-wide > Dashboard 
Access points status
This shows the number of assigned and connected Nebula access points, and what percentage of the access points become overloaded, that is, the number of online access points that exceed the maximum client device number (in Site-wide > Configure > Access points > Traffic shaping) by total number of online access points in the site.
Access point clients
This shows the number of WiFi clients currently connected to the managed access points.
Switches status
This shows the number of Nebula Switches assigned and connected, and what percentage of the Switches become overloaded, that is, the number of online Nebula Switches that exceed 70% of their upstream bandwidth by total number of online Nebula Switches in the site.
PoE power
This shows the total PoE power budget on the Switch and the current amount of power consumed by the powered devices.
Security router / Firewall / Security Gateway / Mobile router status
This shows the number of Nebula Security Appliances assigned and connected, and what percentage of the Security Appliance’s processing capability is currently being used if the CPU goes over 93% usage.
*The Security Firewall(s) in Cloud Monitoring mode will only show the online status but not the CPU usage.
WAN utilization
This shows the data rate of inbound/outbound traffic in Kbps (kilobits per second) or Mbps (megabits per second) that has been transmitted through the WAN interface. If the Security Appliance supports multiple WAN interfaces and more than one are active, use the arrow to switch and view the throughput of each WAN interface.
*The Security Firewall(s) in Cloud Monitoring mode will not show.
Security alert
This shows the total number of the latest alerts sent to the administrator in the last 24 hours.
*The Security Firewall(s) in Cloud Monitoring mode will not show.
Mobile router
This shows the number of Nebula mobile routers assigned and connected.
Security router / Firewall / Security Gateway network applications
This shows the top ten applications used by the Nebula Security Appliance in the past 24 hours.
*The Security Firewall(s) in Cloud Monitoring mode will not show.
Security router / Firewall / Security Gateway clients by usage
This shows the top five clients of the Nebula Security Appliance with the highest percentage of bandwidth usage in the past 24 hours.
*The Security Firewall(s) in Cloud Monitoring mode will not show.
Security router clients by OS
This shows the top five operating systems used by security router client devices in the past 24 hours. You can click an operating system to go to the Site-wide > Clients screen and view the client devices which use this operating system.
Threat management
This shows the number of threat management detections and the total volume of network traffic (GB) in the past 24 hours.
Threat detected by category
This shows the total number of times the category to which the threat belongs was detected in the past 24 hours.
Threat detected by client
This shows the name of the top five client devices who encountered a threat and the total number of threats detected in the past 24 hours.
Access point clients
This shows the number of WiFi clients connected (clients of the access points only).
SSIDs by usage
This shows the top five SSIDs with the highest percentage of bandwidth usage in the past 24 hours. You can click a WiFi network name to go to the Site-wide > Monitor > Access Point > Summary report screen.
Access point clients by usage
This shows the top five WiFi clients (clients of the access points only) with the highest percentage of bandwidth usage in the past 24 hours. You can click a client’s name to go to the Site-wide > Clients: Client list screen.
Clients by manufacturers
This shows the top five manufacturers of WiFi client devices in the past 24 hours. You can click a manufacturer name to go to the Site-wide > Clients screen and view the client devices which are made by the manufacturer.
Collaborative detection & response hit
This shows the total number of malicious traffic detected from wired and WiFi clients that are blocked and quarantined using Collaborative Detection & Response (CDR) in the past 7 days.
*The Security Firewall(s) in Cloud Monitoring mode will not show.
Access point clients by OS
This shows the top five operating systems used by WiFi client devices in the past 24 hours. You can click an operating system to go to the Site-wide > Clients screen and view the client devices that use this operating system.
Access points by usage
This shows the top five managed access points with the highest percentage of bandwidth usage in the past 24 hours. This also shows the number of WiFi clients associated with the access points. You can click an access point’s name to go to the Site-wide > Devices > Access Points: Access Points Details screen.
Access points application usage
This shows the usage statistic of the top ten applications used in the site in the past 24 hours.
Access points locations
This shows the locations of access points on the Google map.
Threat protection by CNP services
This shows the total number of times packets coming from an IPv4 address with a bad reputation occur and the number of times connection attempts to an IPv4 address with a bad reputation occur in the past 24 hours.
Wireless client by band
This shows the total number of access points / SCR 50AXE / USG Lite 60AX WiFi client devices in the 2.4 / 5 / 6 GHz band. You can click a band to go to the Site-wide > Clients screen and view the client devices that use the respective WiFi band.