Use this screen to view the connections between Nebula Devices in the site. Click Site-wide > Topology to access this screen.
Site-wide > Topology
The icon of a node in the network topology indicates its Nebula Device type and the color shows whether the Nebula Device is online (green), has alerts (amber), or is offline (red). Zyxel device is a device manufactured by Zyxel but not registered at the NCC or unable to work in Nebula cloud management mode.
Scroll the mouse up/down to zoom in/out, or click + / for clearer viewing. Click and hold the left mouse button while moving the mouse to change the position of the network topology diagram. Click the Center icon () to move the network topology diagram to the default position.
*Client devices must support LLDP in order to appear correctly after a Nebula accessory.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Site-wide > Topology 
Set the filter to view the particular Nebula Device(s) and client device(s) in the network topology diagram. The number of matches is displayed, including the number of online/offline device(s).
Click this to cancel your action on the Collapse and Expand buttons.
Click this button and select All to hide all connections after the Security Appliance in the network topology diagram.
Alternatively, select All access points to hide all connections after the access point(s) in the network topology diagram.
Click this button and select All to show all connections after the Security Appliance in the network topology diagram.
Alternatively, select All access points to show all connections after the access point(s) in the network topology diagram if (A) in the above figure is hidden.
Display options
Enable Show all clients > Wireless/Wired to display the WiFi/wired client(s) that are connected to your network.
Enable Online clients / Offline clients to display all client(s) that are connected to the Nebula Device / disconnected from the Nebula Device.
Enable Show device name / Show client name / Show client MAC address to show the Nebula Device information, such as MAC address / device name and/or client device’s MAC address / name in the network topology diagram.
*NCC only displays clients connected to your network from the last 2 hours.
Enable Show redundant links to display the secondary connection between two nodes, and also display the Nebula Device(s) that are connected to your network but cannot be identified by the NCC. The non-Nebula Device(s) installed in the network are detected by the NCC through LLDP packets. if any.
Then, click Apply.
NCC remembers the display options for each site and applies them the next time the administrator visits the Topology page.
Click this button to download the network topology diagram as a PDF file.
Click a Nebula Device node to view detailed Nebula Device information in the General tab. Click a client device node to view detailed client device information based on analytics gathered from the Site-wide > Clients pages. In the General tab, you can do the following:
Click the edit icon beside the Nebula Device name to change the name of the Nebula Device.
View the percentage of the Nebula Device’s processing capability that is currently being used in CPU usage.
View the percentage of the Nebula Device’s RAM processing capability that is currently being used in Memory usage.
Click Firmware status to update the Nebula Device’s firmware if it is not the latest.
Click Locate to turn on the LOCATOR LED on the Nebula Device for 5 minutes. This shows the actual location of the Nebula Device in the topology.
Specify the Port number and click Establish using Remote access to establish a remote connection to this Nebula Device.
Click Reboot to restart the Nebula Device.
View the percentage of PoE power usage and the Total power the Nebula Device (Switches only) can provide to the connected PDs in PoE Power.
View the WAN Usage of the Nebula Device (Security Appliances only). The y-axis shows the transmission speed of data sent or received through the WAN connection in megabits per second (Mbps). The x-axis shows the time period over which the traffic flow occurred.
Site-wide > Topology > General
Click the Ports tab and move the pointer over a port to view the Nebula Device’s port details, such as Name, Status, LLDP, Type and Speed. If the port is supplying power to a node using Power over Ethernet (PoE), you can click Power reset to perform a power cycle on the port. This action temporarily disables PoE and then re-enables it, in order to reboot connected PoE devices. Click LLDP to go to the Site-wide > Devices > Access points > Details screen. See Access Point Details for more information. Click Configure ports to go to the Site-wide > Devices > (Nebula Device) page. See Site-wide > Devices > Switches: Switch Details for more information.
*The Ports tab is not available for mobile routers and access points.
Site-wide > Topology > Ports
Click the Insights tab to view Nebula Device log messages for the past hour. Click View all to go to the Site-wide > Monitor > (Nebula Device) > Event log page to view more log messages. See Event Log for more information.
*The Insights tab is not available for mobile routers.
Site-wide > Topology > Insights
Click the Settings tab to change the IP type/address, subnet mask, gateway, primary DNS, VLAN setting. See Site-wide > Devices > Access points: Details for more information.
*The Settings tab is only available for Access Points and Switches.
*To prevent an IP address conflict, NCC will prevent input of an IP address already used by another Nebula Device in the same site.
Site-wide > Topology > Settings