Check What Clients are Connected to Nebula Devices in your Network
To see a list of all wired and WiFi clients connected to Nebula Devices in the site, do the following:
1 Go to the Site-wide > Clients > Client list screen.
2 Select to filter the list of clients, based on what type of Nebula Device (Access point, Switch, Security router) the client is connected to. Alternatively, select All Clients.
3 You can also set a time; the list shows each client’s connection status in the past two hours, past 24 hours, past 7 days, past 30 days, or custom range. The maximum custom range is 30 days within the past 365 days. You can only show each client’s connection status in the past two hours and past 24 hours only when you select All Clients.
4 You can select the type of clients that have been online during the selected time period: All (both WiFi and wired clients), Wireless (WiFi clients only), and Wired (wired clients only).

Show Nebula devices as clients to show or hide the client Nebula Device(s) in the client list table. By default, this switch is ON for the sites created before the NCC 18.00 release. Otherwise, this switch is OFF for the sites created after the NCC 18.00 release.
Click the Export button to save the client list as a CSV or XML file to your computer.