Deploy With Nebula Native Mode (for Security Firewalls in Nebula only)
Nebula native mode means the Security Firewall has a certificate (ZTP (Zero Touch Provision) or factory) to connect with Nebula.

Make sure the Nebula Device can connect to NCC through the Internet by using any of the following methods:
– DHCP WAN, or
– configure WAN through the Nebula Device’s Web Configurator.
If you are adding a ZyWALL USG FLEX / ATP / USG20(W)-VPN Series Security Firewall (SF) with v5.10 and later firmware to a site, or if your SF has run ZTP before, do the following to deploy the SF using Nebula native mode:
• Reset the SF to factory-default settings
• Select the Nebula management mode.
Reset the SF to Factory-Default Settings

You only need to do this if you have configured the SF before.
Press the RESET button on the SF panel (see the SF user’s guide for more information).

Apply the factory-default settings on the SF before switching to cloud mode. Only the following two settings can be changed after resetting:
• Default administrator account password
• WAN settings
Select the Nebula Management Mode
1 Log into the SF Web Configurator (see the SF user’s guide for more information). When you log into the Web Configurator, the Initial Setup Wizard screen displays.
2 Select Nebula Mode and click Next.
3 Configure the WAN settings and click Next.
4 Click Connection Test to check that you can access the Internet and then click Next.
5 Click Go to Nebula.
Nebula Configuration
1 You will be redirected to the Nebula portal. Click Get Started.
2 Use the Setup Wizard to create an organization and a site, and add the Nebula Device. See
Setup Wizard for more information on using the wizard.

Make sure to select
Nebula native mode as the
Deployment Method in the Setup Wizard.

Nebula Devices with ZLD5.37 Patch 1 or newer firmware do not support the
Zero Touch Provision mode (see
Step 8: Set up the Deployment Method for more information on the ZTP deployment method).
3 After configuring the Setup Wizard, close the Nebula Control Center welcome message to go to the Nebula portal dashboard. 1/1 Online will show on Firewall Status. This means that one SF is registered in Nebula and is online.