Find the LAN Port Used by Connected Wired Client Devices (for Nebula Switches only)
To view a list of all wired clients connected to the Nebula Device in a site and also see the corresponding port connection, do the following:
Method 1:
1 Go to Site-wide > Clients > Client list tab and select Switches clients (A) to filter the list of clients based on the type of Nebula Device.
2 Locate the Port column (B) to know the port to which the client is connected.

If you do not find the
Port column (B), click the

icon (C) and select
Port to display the
Port column (B).
Method 2:
1 Go to Site-wide > Devices > Switches and click the Name of the Switch to go to the Switch details screen.
2 Scroll down to the Ports section and hover the mouse over a port to know which client is connected.
3 Click the port to go to the Switch port details screen to view the individual Nebula Device port statistics.