Create Site
To add more sites to an organization, select Create site from the Site drop-down list box to create a new one.
Create One Site
If you need to create a site in your organization, do the following:
1 To create a single site, select the One site tab.
2 Enter a descriptive name, 1 – 64 characters including 0–9 a–z A–Z `~!@#$%&*(_+-={}|[];'"./<> ?) in the Site name.
3 Set the site’s configuration:
• Select Clone from if you want to copy the configuration from another site.
• Select Bind to template if you want to bind the site to a configuration template created in Organization-wide > Organization-wide manage > Configuration templates. A configuration template is a virtual site. The settings you configured in a template will apply to the real sites which are bound to the template.
• Otherwise, select Default configuration.
4 Select the Local time zone of the site’s location.
5 Click the
register link in
You can register more devices to this site. to add device(s) to your site. See
Add Devices Screen for more details.
6 Click the Create site button to add a new site.
Create Multiple Sites
If you need to create multiple sites and even add Nebula Device(s) to the site at the same time, do the following:
1 To create more than one site, select the Multiple sites tab.
2 Set the sites’ configuration:
• Select Clone from if you want to copy the configuration from another site.
• Select Bind to template if you want to bind the sites to a template created in Organization-wide > Organization-wide manage > Configuration templates. A configuration template is a virtual site. The settings you configured in a template will apply to the real sites which are bound to the template.
• Otherwise, select Default configuration.
3 Select the Local time zone of the site administrator’s location.
4 Click the Download sample import file link to download a blank Excel file template, edit it accordingly, and save it. The Excel file template can contain the following, maximum of 100 rows:
• Site name. Enter a descriptive name, up to 64 characters including 0–9 a–z A–Z `~!@#$%&*(_+-={}|[];'"./<> ?). You can enter multiple rows with the same site name when adding Nebula Devices to the same site.

NCC does not allow duplicate same site.
• MAC address (optional). Enter the unique MAC address of the Nebula Device(s) to add to the new site. Make sure to use the correct format AA:BB:CC:00:11:22 or AABBCC001122.
• Serial number (optional). Enter the unique serial number of the Nebula Device(s) to add to the new site.
• Device name (optional). Assign a unique name to the Nebula Device, up to 64 characters including 0–9 a–z A–Z `~!@#$%&*(_+-={}|[];'"./<> ?).
5 Click Choose file to locate the Excel file you wish to upload to NCC.
6 Click the Execute button to add new sites and optional Nebula Devices.

NCC will check and display an error message when:
The Nebula Device has already been added to NCC or registered to an organization
Entry format error in the Excel file template
Duplicate site name.