Create Site
To add more sites to an organization, select Create site from the Site drop-down list box to create a new one.
NCC Title Bar: Group/Organization/Site: Create site
Create One Site
If you need to create a site in your organization, do the following:
1 To create a single site, select the One site tab.
2 Enter a descriptive name, 1 – 64 characters including 0–9 a–z A–Z `~!@#$%&*(_+-={}|[];'"./<> ?) in the Site name.
3 Set the site’s configuration:
Select Clone from if you want to copy the configuration from another site.
Select Bind to template if you want to bind the site to a configuration template created in Organization-wide > Organization-wide manage > Configuration templates. A configuration template is a virtual site. The settings you configured in a template will apply to the real sites which are bound to the template.
Otherwise, select Default configuration.
4 Select the Local time zone of the site’s location.
5 Click the register link in You can register more devices to this site. to add device(s) to your site. See Add Devices Screen for more details.
6 Click the Create site button to add a new site.
Create Multiple Sites
If you need to create multiple sites and even add Nebula Device(s) to the site at the same time, do the following:
1 To create more than one site, select the Multiple sites tab.
2 Set the sites’ configuration:
Select Clone from if you want to copy the configuration from another site.
Select Bind to template if you want to bind the sites to a template created in Organization-wide > Organization-wide manage > Configuration templates. A configuration template is a virtual site. The settings you configured in a template will apply to the real sites which are bound to the template.
Otherwise, select Default configuration.
3 Select the Local time zone of the site administrator’s location.
4 Click the Download sample import file link to download a blank Excel file template, edit it accordingly, and save it. The Excel file template can contain the following, maximum of 100 rows:
Site name. Enter a descriptive name, up to 64 characters including 0–9 a–z A–Z `~!@#$%&*(_+-={}|[];'"./<> ?). You can enter multiple rows with the same site name when adding Nebula Devices to the same site.
*NCC does not allow duplicate same site.
MAC address (optional). Enter the unique MAC address of the Nebula Device(s) to add to the new site. Make sure to use the correct format AA:BB:CC:00:11:22 or AABBCC001122.
Serial number (optional). Enter the unique serial number of the Nebula Device(s) to add to the new site.
Device name (optional). Assign a unique name to the Nebula Device, up to 64 characters including 0–9 a–z A–Z `~!@#$%&*(_+-={}|[];'"./<> ?).
5 Click Choose file to locate the Excel file you wish to upload to NCC.
6 Click the Execute button to add new sites and optional Nebula Devices.
*NCC will check and display an error message when:
The Nebula Device has already been added to NCC or registered to an organization
Entry format error in the Excel file template
Duplicate site name.