Label | Description |
Organization Status | |
Actions | Click this button to add licenses and/or Nebula Devices to the organization. Choose one of the following actions: • Add more devices: Add new Nebula Devices to the organization, by serial number and MAC address. For details, see Add Devices Screen. • Add more licenses: Add new licenses to the organization, by license key. For details, see Add Licenses Screen. • Install wizard: Add Nebula Devices and licenses to the organization, assign the licenses to the Nebula Devices, and then upgrade the organization if required. For details, see Install Wizard. |
Purchase License | Click this button to go to a window that will ask if you wish to be redirected to the Zyxel Circle web site (if the NCC account has a Circle account). If you do not have a Circle account, you can do the following: 1. Select what license to purchase and set the target expiration date to keep the Pro/Plus tier features/services running. 2. You may export the list of required licenses to your computer. 3. After calculating the license to purchase, click the Zyxel license marketplace (Check out) button to complete your purchase. Purchased licenses are directly assigned to Nebula Device(s). Unused licenses assigned to your organization will not be counted as it is not yet assigned to a Nebula Device. This button is available only for the Full (Delegated) administrator privilege or Owner administrator account with a registered Nebula Device(s). |
Upgrade Now | Click this button to upgrade the organization to Plus or Pro tier. The button is only available if you have a Plus or Pro license for every Nebula Device in the organization. |
Downgrade Now | Click this button to downgrade the organization from Plus or Pro to Base tier, or from Pro to Plus tier. All active NCC licenses in the organization will stay active and continue to count down to their expiry time. |
Organization type | This shows the licensing tier of the organization. Possible values are: Base, Plus Pack, Professional Pack, and Trial. |
NCC license | This shows whether there are any Nebula Devices with near expiring licenses. |
Security license | This shows whether the current site has an active NSS or UTM license. |
Secure WiFi license | This shows whether the current site has an active Secure WiFi license. A Secure WiFi license unlocks the Remote AP feature. Remote AP allows users connected to an off-site (remote) AP to connect to on-site resources behind the Nebula Device through a secure IPSec VPN tunnel. |
CNP/CNP+ license | This shows whether the current site has an active CNP (Connect & Protect) or CNP+ Connect & Protect Plus) license. A CNP license unlocks security services, such as threat protection using DNS and IP reputation filters. A CNP+ license unlocks security services, such as application visibility and threat protection using DNS and IP reputation filters. |
Device status by expiration date | Click this button to select the data to be shown in the graph. Choose one from each of the following criteria: • All service name, Gold Security Pack, Nebula Professional Pack, Nebula Plus Pack, Nebula Security Pack, UTM Security Pack, Content Filter Pack, Elite Pack, Secure WiFi, Connect & Protect, Next Business Day Delivery Service: select the category of licenses to display. • All device type, Access point, Switch, Security appliance, or Mobile router: select the category of Nebula Device to display. • Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly: select the period of time to display. |
Device detail status | |
License type | Select the license type to filter your selection (Nebula Professional Pack, Nebula Plus Pack, Gold Security Pack, Nebula Security Pack, UTM Security Pack, Content Filter Pack, Elite Pack, Secure WiFi, Connect & Protect, Access L3, Next Business Day Delivery Service). |
Device type | This shows the category of Nebula Device (Access point, Switch, Security appliance, Mobile router) and Nebula Device model. |
# in org | This shows the total number of Nebula Devices of the specified category and model that are in the organization. |
# unlicensed (expired) | This shows the total number of Nebula Devices of the specified category and model that have: • No NCC Pro or Plus license. • An expired NCC Pro or Plus license. |
# expires within 90 days | This shows the total number of Nebula Devices of the specified category and model that have an NCC Pro or Plus license that will expire within 90 days. |
# expires after 90 days | This shows the total number of Nebula Devices of the specified category and model that have an NCC Pro or Plus license that have more than 90 days before expiration. |
# inactive | This shows the total number of Nebula Devices of the specified category and model that have an NCC Pro or Plus license that has not been activated. |
Label | Description |
template | Click this to download an XLSX file that you can use as a template to import a large number of Nebula Devices at once. Follow the instructions and formatting in the template to add the Nebula Device’s serial numbers and MAC addresses. |
import | Click this to upload a completed template XLSX file and import all Nebula Devices in the file. |
MAC address | Enter the MAC address of the new Nebula Device. |
Serial number | Enter the serial number of the new Nebula Device. |
Name | Enter a name for the new Nebula Device. It can consist of 1 – 64 characters. |
Model | This shows the model number of the Nebula Device being added. |
License info | This shows the type of NCC license activated on the Nebula Device, if there is one. Otherwise, it shows a ‘–’ (dash). |
Expiration date | This shows the expiration date of the NCC license activated on the Nebula Device, if there is one. Otherwise, it shows a ‘–’ (dash). |
Assign licenses from inventory | Click here to assign unassigned licenses already in the organization to the Nebula Device. ![]() |
![]() | Click the remove icon to delete the entry. |
Add another device | Click this to add another Nebula Device to the organization. |
Acknowledge | Select this to confirm that your NCC account will be the owner of the new Nebula Devices. |
Next | Click this to add the Nebula Devices to the organization. |
Cancel | Click this to close the screen without saving. |
Label | Description |
template | Click this to download an XLSX file that you can use as a template to import a large number of licenses at once. Follow the instructions and formatting in the template to add the license keys. |
import | Click this to upload a completed template XLSX file and import all licenses in the file. |
License key | Enter the license key of the new license. |
License information | This shows the license type and validity period of the license being added. |
![]() | Click the remove icon to delete the entry. |
Add | Click this to add another license to the organization. |
Finish | Click this to add the license to the organization. |
Cancel | Click this to close the screen without saving. |
Label | Description |
N Access Point | This shows the total number of access points (N) in the organization. |
N Switch | This shows the total number of switches (N) in the organization. |
N Security Appliance | This shows the total number of Security Gateway devices (N) in the organization. |
N Mobile Router | This shows the total number of Mobile Router devices (N) in the organization. |
N Accessory | This shows the total number of accessories (N) in the organization. |
Actions | Select one or more Nebula Devices and then click this button to perform one of the following actions: Change organization: Moves the Nebula Device to an organization. The organizations must have the same owners. Change site assignment: Moves the selected Nebula Devices to a site, or remove them from their current site while leaving them in the organization. ![]() Remove from organization: Remove the Nebula Devices from NCC. You can manage the Nebula Devices in standalone mode, or re-add them to NCC later. Assign license: Assign licenses to the selected Nebula Devices. Undo assign: Unlink the inactive licenses from the associated Nebula Devices. After unlinking, the license will be categorized as unused in Inventory. An inactive license is a license that has been assigned to a Nebula Device but is not yet in use or queued. Transfer license: Moves the unused licenses linked to a Nebula Device to another Nebula Device. Nebula Devices can be in the same organization or in a different organization. The Nebula Devices must have the same owner. Bundled, Trial, and Promotion licenses cannot be transferred. Purchase license: Select what license to purchase and target expiration date to keep the Pro/Plus tier features/services running. You may export the list of required licenses to your computer. Then click the Zyxel license marketplace (Check out) button to complete your purchase. Unused licenses assigned to your organization will not count as it is not yet assigned to a Nebula Device. This button is available only for the Organization (Delegated) or Owner administrator account with a registered Nebula Device(s). |
In use / Unused / Both | Select to display the Nebula Device currently in a site (In use), not current (Unused), or show all (Both). |
Search | Enter a keyword or specify one or more filter criteria to filter the list of Nebula Devices and Security Firewall(s) in Cloud Monitoring mode. |
+ Add | Add one or more new Nebula Devices to the organization, by entering the Nebula Device’s MAC address and serial number. For details, see Add Devices Screen. |
Export | Click this button to save the Nebula Device list as a CSV or XML file to your computer. |
Select an entry’s checkbox to select a specific Nebula Device. Otherwise, select the checkbox in the table heading row to select all Nebula Devices. | |
Device name | This shows the hostname of the Nebula Device. |
Device type | This shows the category of Nebula Device (Access Point, Switch, Security Router, Firewall, Gateway, Mobile Router, Accessory) and Nebula Device model. |
Site | This shows the site that the Nebula Device is currently in. If the Nebula Device is not in any site, the value is blank. |
Model | This shows the Nebula Device’s model. |
Serial Number | This shows the Nebula Device’s serial number. |
MAC address | This shows the MAC address of the Nebula Device’s first Ethernet port. |
Device tag | This shows the tag created and added to the Nebula Device. |
Add date | This shows the date on which the Nebula Device was added to NCC. If the Security Firewall has NOT yet connected to NCC (see Supported Nebula Devices for the list of Security Firewalls): • Native mode. Click this button and select Nebula Native mode in the Deployment Method. Follow the instructions to connect the Security Firewall to NCC. • Waiting ZTP will be shown if Native mode is not available. Click the Waiting ZTP button and select Zero Touch Provisioning in Deployment Method to configure the ZTP settings. ![]() |
Unused / In use | This shows Unused if the Nebula Device is not assigned to a site, or In use if the Nebula Device is currently in a site. |
Country | This shows the country in which the Nebula Device is located. |
Expiration date | This shows the date on which the Nebula Device’s NCC license will expire. |
License info | This shows the type of NCC license assigned to the Nebula Device. ![]() |
Action | Select one or more Nebula Devices and then click this button to perform one of the following actions: Change organization: Moves the Nebula Device to an organization. The organizations must have the same owners. Change site assignment: Moves the selected Nebula Devices to a selected site, or removes them from their current site while leaving them in the organization. ![]() Remove from organization: Remove the Nebula Devices from NCC. You can manage the Nebula Devices in standalone mode, or re-add them to NCC later. Assign license: Assign unassigned licenses to the selected Nebula Devices. Undo assign: Unlink the inactive licenses from the associated Nebula Devices. After unlinking, the license will be categorized as unused in Inventory. An inactive license is a license that has been assigned to a Nebula Device but is not yet in use or queued. Transfer license: Moves unused licenses linked from one Nebula Device to another Nebula Device. The Nebula Devices can be in the same organization or in a different organization. The Nebula Devices must have the same owner. Bundled, Trial, and Promotion licenses cannot be transferred. |
Label | Description |
N assigned | This shows the total number of licenses (N) in the organization that are assigned to a Nebula Device and activated. |
N unused (Pro Pack, 1MO/1YR/2YR/4YR/7YR) or N unused (Plus Pack, 1MO/1YR/2YR) | This shows the total number of Nebula Professional Pack or Nebula Plus Pack licenses (N) in the organization that are not assigned to a Nebula Device. |
N unused (UTM Pack, 1MO/1YR/2YR) | This shows the total number of UTM Security Pack licenses (N) in the organization that are not assigned to a Nebula Device. |
Actions | Select one or more Nebula Devices and then click this button to perform one of the following actions: Change organization: Moves the selected licenses to an organization. The organizations must have the same owners. Assign License: Assign the selected licenses to one or more Nebula Devices. Only the licenses applicable for the Nebula Device can be selected. Undo assign: Unlink the inactive licenses from the associated Nebula Devices. After unlinking, the license will be categorized as unused in Inventory. An inactive license is a license that has been assigned to a Nebula Device but is not yet in use or queued. Transfer license: Moves the unused licenses linked to a Nebula Device to another Nebula Device. The Nebula Devices can be in the same organization or in a different organization. The Nebula Devices must have the same owner. Bundled, Trial, and Promotion licenses cannot be transferred. |
Search | Enter a keyword or specify one or more filter criteria to filter the list of licenses. |
N licenses | This shows the total assigned and unassigned licenses in the organization. |
Show expired licenses | Click this to display licenses that are past their validity. |
+ Add | Add one or more new licenses to the organization, by entering their license keys. For details, see Add Licenses Screen. |
Export | Click this to save the license list as a CSV or XML file to your computer. |
License Key | This shows the key of license, including bundled licenses. |
Service | This shows the service that license is for, for example “Nebula Professional Pack”. |
License states | This shows the current status of the license: • Activated: The license is assigned to a specific Nebula Device and in use. • Inactive: The license is assigned to a specific Nebula Device but not activated. • Expired: The license is past its validity. • Queued: The license is assigned to a specific Nebula Device, and the license is waiting for the currently active license to expire. • Unused: The license is not assigned to a specific Nebula Device. • Deferred: Activation of the license is intentionally delayed on a specific Nebula Device. |
Expiration date | This shows the date on which the license will expire. Queued means there are multiple licenses assigned to the Nebula Device, and the license is waiting for the currently active license to expire. |
Remaining days | This shows how days remain until the license expires. |
Add date | This shows the date on which the license was added to NCC. If the Security Firewall has NOT yet connected to NCC: • Native mode. Click this button and select Nebula Native mode in Deployment Method. Follow the instructions to connect the Security Firewall to NCC. • Waiting ZTP will be shown if Native mode is not available. Click the Waiting ZTP button and select Zero Touch Provisioning in Deployment Method to configure the ZTP settings. ![]() |
Activation date | This shows the date on which the license was activated. |
Associated device | This shows the name and model of the Nebula Device that the license is assigned to. |
Associated site | This shows the name of the site that the license is being used in. Click the site to go to its dashboard. |
Action | Click this button to perform the following actions: Change organization: Moves the selected licenses to an organization. The organizations must have the same owners. Assign License: Assign the selected licenses to one or more Nebula Devices. Only the licenses applicable for the Nebula Device can be selected. Undo assign: Unlink the inactive licenses from the associated Nebula Devices. After unlinking, the license will be categorized as unused in Inventory. An inactive license is a license that has been assigned to a Nebula Device but is not yet in use or queued. Transfer license: Moves the unused licenses linked to a Nebula Device to another Nebula Device. The Nebula Devices can be in the same organization or in a different organization. The Nebula Devices must have the same owner. Bundled, Trial, and Promotion licenses cannot be transferred. |
trial License | Associated Features or Nebula Devices |
Nebula Pro Pack Trial | This is for advanced features, except open API access, within the Nebula Device’s organization. See Site Settings for more information on open API access. |
MSP Pack Trial | This is for new NCC accounts or NCC accounts that have not used MSP before. This allows you to manage multiple organizations. |
Gold Security Pack Trial | This is for ATP devices and USG FLEX devices except USG20-VPN / USG20W-VPN / USG FLEX 50. ![]() |
Content Filter Pack Trial | This is for USG FLEX 50 / USG20-VPN / USG20W-VPN devices. |
Elite Pack Trial | This unlocks security services for SCR 50AXE / USG LITE 60AX. |
Connect & Protect Trial | This allows you to manage small business WiFi hotspots using an NWA1123-ACv3, WAC500, WAC500H, NWA110AX, NWA210AX, WAX510D, WAX610D, WAX630S, or WAX650S. |
Secure WiFi Trial | This is for remote APs (access points) to securely connect a ZyWALL ATP / USG FLEX (except USG FLEX 50) in the office. |
Label | Description |
Actions | Click this to perform one of the following actions: • Activate trial for all: select this to start using all trial licenses available for your organization. Then click Confirm to continue. • Deactivate trial for all: select this to cancel all trial licenses currently in use in your organization. Then click Confirm to continue. ![]() |
(Status) | The status displays next to the name of a trial license. If no status displays, it means you can activate the trial license. The trial license can be used on the Nebula Devices within the organization. Click Activate to start using the services of the trial license. ![]() |
IN PROGRESS | The 30-day countdown for the trial license has begun. Click Deactivate if you want to cancel the trial license. ![]() |
TRIAL EXPIRED | You have previously activated a trial or standard license and the license period has ended. |
CANCELED | You have deactivated the trial license during the 30-day trial period. |
Activate | Click this to start using the 30-day trial license. Then click Confirm to continue. |
Deactivate | Click this to cancel the 30-day trial license anytime before it expires. Then click Confirm to continue. |
Label | Description |
Keyword | Enter a keyword or specify one or more filter criteria to filter the list of log entries. |
Range / Before | Select a filtering option, set a date, and then click Search to filter log entries by date. Range: Display log entries from the first specified date to the second specified date. Before: Display log entries from the beginning of the log to the selected date. |
Search | Click this to update the list of logs based on the search criteria. |
Reset filters ![]() | Click this to return the search criteria to the previously saved time setting. |
Newer / Older | Click to view the list of log messages with the most recent or oldest message displayed first. |
This shows the total number of the log messages that match the search criteria. It also shows the date and time the very first log was created. | |
Export | Click this button to save the log list as a CSV or XML file to your computer. |
Date and time | This shows the date and time in UTC+00:00 (or UTC+0) when the log was recorded. UTC is a standard time for use around the world (formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT). UTC is an international abbreviation that is neither French nor English. It means both "Temps Universel Coordonné" and "Coordinated Universal Time". |
Action | This shows the action that triggered the log entry. |
Before | This shows the old setting or state that was overwritten with the new value. |
After | This shows the new setting or state. |
Admin | This shows the name of the NCC administrator account that made the changes. |
![]() | Click this icon to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields. |
Label | Description |
Keyword | Enter a keyword or specify one or more filter criteria to filter the list of purchased license entries. |
Search | Click this to update the list of logs based on the search criteria. |
N purchases | This displays the total purchased licenses in the organization. |
Order ID | This displays a unique code that identifies the order. Clicking this link will take you to the Marketplace > Order History screen. |
Purchase date | This displays the date that the order was created. |
# licenses | This displays the number of licenses purchased for the specified license type. |
Purchase by | This displays the email address of the NCC account that created the order. |
Status | This displays the current status of the order. • Done: The order has been paid for and the license was successfully activated on the target Nebula Device. • Processing: The license activation on the target Nebula Device is still under process. • Failed: The license was not successfully activated on the target Nebula Device. |
Export | Click this to download the order details as a CSV or XML file to your computer. This includes the Order ID and each license’s assigned device information. |