MSP Portal
This screen lists every organization to which your account has at least read-only access.
To access this screen, select MSP portal from the Organization drop-down list box in the title bar, or click MSP cross-org > MSP cross-org manage > MSP portal in the navigation panel.
MSP cross-org > MSP cross-org manage > MSP portal
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
MSP cross-org > MSP cross-org manage > MSP portal 
Organization type summary
This pie chart shows the total number of the organization mode (for example, x PRO, x Plus, x Base organizations).
Device license status summary
This pie chart shows the total number of Nebula managed devices with NCC and ATP licenses only. You can select the organization to display in the drop-down list. Click a particular color in the pie chart to show the details of the licenses of the selected organizations.
Click the Edit button to open a screen where you can change the MSP ID and Notes of the Organization. See Organization-wide > Organization-wide manage > Organization settings for more information on MSP ID and Notes criteria.
Perform and action on the selected Nebula organization.
Deactivate CSM. Select the organization(s) and click this button to disable CSM (Cloud-Saving Mode). See Cloud-Saving Mode for more information on Cloud-saving mode.
Restrict/allow device ownership takeover. Select this to open a screen where you can allow/prohibit the transfer of Nebula Device to another administrator’s organization by using the Nebula Mobile app. Click this switch to the right to prohibit Nebula Device transfer between administrators.
Assign a name to an organization or to a group of organizations.
1. Select the organizations. The Tag button will be enabled.
2. Click Tag.
3. In the Add field, enter a tag (up to 32 alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed).
4. Click +Add new. Then Add to confirm.
To remove the tag assigned to an organization or to a group of organizations.
1. Select the organization with an assigned tag.
2. Click Tag.
3. Enter the name of the tag. As you type along, NCC will automatically show the names of tags that matches.
4. Select the tag. Then click Remove.
Specify your desired filter criteria to filter the list of organizations and organization status.
matches in
This shows the number of organizations that match your filter criteria after you perform a search.
This shows the number of organizations that you can manage.
Click this to select all rows.
Alternatively, click a row to go to the Sites tab that will show the sites belonging to the organization.
This shows the status of Nebula Devices in the organization.
Green: All Nebula Devices are online and have no alerts.
Orange: Some Nebula Devices have alerts.
Red: Some Nebula Devices are offline.
Gray: All Nebula Devices have been offline for 7 days or more.
White: No Nebula Devices in this organization.
: This organization is in Cloud-saving mode.
NCC license status
This shows the license status of Nebula Devices in the organization.
Green: All Nebula Devices with over 1 year licenses.
Blue: Any Nebula Device with over 90 days but less than 1 year license together with another Nebula Device with over 1 year license.
Orange: Any Nebula Device with license that will expire in 90 days together with another Nebula Device with over 90 days license.
Red: Any Nebula Device with an expired license or is unlicensed.
Gray: No Nebula Devices in this organization.
This shows the descriptive name of the organization. Click an Organization to go to the Organization-wide > Organization-wide manage > Organization portal screen. Hover the mouse over the name of the Organization to display the site information window. Clicking a Site name will go to the Site-wide > Dashboard screen.
This shows your NCC version type.
This shows the tag name assigned to this organization. Otherwise, the organization does not have a tag.
This shows the number of sites belonging to this organization.
Devices online
This shows the number of Nebula Devices in this organization which are online (green), have recently had alerts (orange), recently went offline (red), or have been offline for more than 6 days (gray).
This shows the number of Nebula access points connected to the sites in this organization.
This shows the number of Nebula switches connected to the sites in this organization.
Security appliance
This shows the number of Nebula security appliances connected to the sites in this organization.
This shows the number of Nebula mobile routers connected to the sites in this organization.
Device ownership takeover
This shows Allow if the Nebula Device can transfer to another administrator’s organization using the Nebula Mobile app.
This shows Restrict if the Nebula Device cannot transfer to another administrator’s organization using the Nebula Mobile app.
This shows the customer ID used by the administrator of the organization on another system. For example, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems.
This shows the user-specified description of the MSP ID.
Payment mode
This shows the payment method of the NCC license if you arranged a special payment method with Zyxel.
If you bought the license through the Zyxel webstore or a third-party vendor, the value will be blank.
Next NCC license expiration date
This shows the date when the license will expire, or N/A when there is no Nebula-managed device in the organization.
For example, if you have two Nebula Devices in the organization:
Nebula Device 1 is with NCC license expiration date on 2022/10/1
Nebula Device 2 is with NCC license expiration date on 2022/11/1
This field will show the nearest expiration date ‘2022/10/1’.
# devices will expire in 90 days
This shows the number of Nebula-managed devices with licenses that will expire in 90 days or less in this organization.
# unused NCC license
This shows the number of unused NCC (Nebula Control Center) licenses in this organization.
Click this icon to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Click this button to save the MSP Portal list as a CSV or XML file to your computer.
Specify your desired filter criteria to filter the list of sites.
matches in
This shows the number of sites that match your filter criteria after you perform a search.
This shows the number of sites that you can manage.
Click this to select all rows.
This shows the status of Nebula Devices in the site.
Green: All Nebula Devices are online and have no alerts.
Orange: Some Nebula Devices have alerts.
Red: Some Nebula Devices are offline.
Gray: All Nebula Devices have been offline for 7 days or more.
White: No Nebula Devices in this site.
This shows the descriptive name of the organization.
This shows the descriptive name of the site. Clicking a site name will go to the Site-wide > Dashboard screen.
This shows the tag name assigned to this site. Otherwise, the site does not have a tag.
This shows the number of Nebula Devices connected to the site.
Offline devices
This shows the number of Nebula Devices in this site which are offline.
% Offline
This shows the percentage of Nebula Devices in this site which are offline.
This shows the name of the template that is bound to a site.
Click this icon to display a greater or lesser number of configuration fields.
Click this button to save the MSP Portal list as a CSV or XML file to your computer.