Label | Description |
![]() | Click this to expand or collapse the navigation panel. This allows you to show or hide the icon’s label. |
nebula Control Center | Click this to show the Dashboard screen. |
Group | This shows the name of the groups you are managing, if your NCC account has an MSP license. Click to choose another group if you have multiple groups. ![]() |
Organization | This shows the name of the organization you are managing. Click to choose another organization, access the MSP portal or create a new organization. ![]() |
Site | This shows the name of the site you are managing. Click to choose another site if you have multiple sites in the selected organization. |
Search | Use this to search for managed Nebula Devices by model, description or MAC address. |
Help | Click this to view the documentation for NCC and NCC-compatible devices. For example, to view the Security Firewall Series configuration and hardware information, locate the documents under Security Appliance. |
More | Click this to view your account information, login history and active sessions. You can also view your Nebula Devices and manage NCC licenses linked to your account. |
Notification | Click this to view announcements such as: • New features announcements • NCC scheduled maintenance and service disruption announcements • Nebula Device offline/online status updates • Firmware upgrades availability A red dot on the icon signifies an unread announcement(s). |
Settings | Click this to select a display language for the screens, or change the theme between dark and light mode. |
Applications | Click this to open a list of links to different Zyxel sites, such as myZyxel, Nebula, SecuReporter, Astra, Circle, Marketplace, Store, Education, and the Community. |
Account | Click this to manage your NCC account settings, or to sign out of NCC. |
Label | Description |
Profile | This shows account information, such as name, address, and phone number. |
My devices & services | This shows a list of all Nebula Devices in NCC that have your login account as the owner. You can filter the list of Nebula Devices by name, serial number, model, or organization. You can also register licenses to your account, such as an MSP license. |
Active sessions | Shows all active web browser sessions for this login account. Click End Session to close a session and force the user to log into NCC again in that browser. |
Recent logins | Shows the login history for this user account, including IPv4 address, location, and time. |
Label | Description |
Dark mode | Click this to apply a black background and white text to the white background and black text on the NCC screen. |
Language | Select the NCC display language. At the time of writing, the following languages are available: English, Chinese, Japanese, German, Russian, French. |
Label | Description |
Manage account | Click this to edit your account settings at Zyxel. |
Sign out | Sign out of the Zyxel Account. |
Label | Description |
Account information | Click Edit profile to add/change the following account information: |
First name Last name | Enter your first and last names. Both names must consist of 1 – 64 alphanumeric characters. |
Email | Enter the email address you use to log in to the Zyxel Account. ![]() |
Country/Region | Select where you are located. |
Contact person | Enter another person’s email address to receive notifications about your Nebula Device. |
Password | Click Change password to change your current password. |
Current Password | Enter the current password you use to log in to the Zyxel Account. |
New Password | Enter the New Password. Use a minimum of 8 characters, including 0–9 a–z A–Z `~!@#$%&*(_+-={}|[];'"./<> ?). |
Confirm new password | Enter the New Password to confirm. |
Cancel | Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving. |
Save | Click Save to save your changes back to the Zyxel Account. |
Label | Description |
Email notifications | Click the switch to the right to receive an email alert when the following events occur. |
Login successful notification | A notification is sent by email for each successful login to your Zyxel Account. |
Login failure notification | A notification is sent by email for each unsuccessful login attempt to your Zyxel Account. |
Unusual GeoIP login notification | A notification is sent by email for each login attempt to your Zyxel Account from a location you have not logged in from in the past 60 days. |
Label | Description |
A | Click this to display/hide the Intent window. |
B | Click this to hide the Intent window. |
C | Enter your query here. You can enter a complete sentence to search for information instead of a keyword. Press Enter on your keyboard or click the Send button (E) to send your query to Nebula AI. ![]() |
D | Click this to remove the text and start another query. |
E | Click this to send your query to Nebula AI. |
F | By default, this displays the popular topics. After entering your query and clicking send, the AI-generated page links appear. Click on an AI-generated link to go to the page in NCC. |
G | Click the thumbs up icon if the AI-generated link is helpful. This increases Nebula AI’s association of your query to the page in NCC. Alternatively, click the thumbs down icon if the AI-generated link is unhelpful. This decreases Nebula AI’s association of your query to the page in NCC. |
Label | Description |
A | Click this to close the Chatbot AI window. |
B | Click this to show the main menu. |
C | For more information, click the link to the source of the AI-generated answer on the Zyxel Community site. |
D | Click Yes if the AI-generated answer is helpful. This increases Chatbot AI’s association of your query to the topic in the Chatbot source. Alternatively, click No if the AI-generated answer is unhelpful. |
Label | Description |
Use these menus to set up customer networks. | |
Site-wide | Manage Nebula Devices in a site. |
Organization-wide | Manage multiple network sites within an organization. |
Group-wide | Manage settings for multiple organizations and create VPN links between groups in the organization. Two or more Pro tier organizations can be a group. |
MSP | Create multiple organizations and change the branding and assign administrators to multiple organizations. |
Use these menus to set up customer Nebula Devices. | |
Access points | Manage the Zyxel APs (Access Points). |
Switches | Manage the Zyxel Switches. |
Security router | Manage the SCR 50AXE and USG LITE 60AX. |
Firewall | Manage the ZyWALL ATP, USG FLEX, USG FLEX H and USG20(W)-VPN devices (firewalls). |
Security gateway | Manage the ZyWALL NSG devices. |
Mobile router | Manage the Zyxel LTE/NR devices. |
Help center | Access the Zyxel community forum, submit a support ticket, view User Guides for Nebula managed devices, view ports used by Nebula, view Nebula privacy policies, and view devices/features that can be managed by Nebula. |
Level 1 | level 2 / level 3 | Function |
Site-wide | Intent | Use this menu to search for pages in the NCC portal where to configure a particular feature. |
Dashboard | Use this menu to view Nebula Device connection status and traffic summary. | |
Topology | Use this menu to view Nebula managed-device connections in your network. | |
Devices | ||
Add devices | Click + to register a Nebula Device and add it to the site. | |
Access points / Switches / Security router / Firewall / Security gateway / Mobile router / Accessories | Use this menu to view Nebula Device connection status and traffic summary. | |
Map & floor plans | Use this menu to locate Nebula Devices on a world map or on a floor plan. | |
Clients | ||
Client list | Use this menu to view the connection status and detailed information of all wired and WiFi clients connected to Nebula Devices (Access Points, Switches, Security Appliances) in the site. | |
WiFi Aid | Use this menu to display an overview of the AP’s WiFi clients connection issues, as an aid to troubleshooting. | |
Connection log | Use this menu to view all related event logs between Access Points and WiFi clients, and DHCP logs of Nebula Security Appliances (NSG, ZyWALL USG FLEX, ATP, and USG20(W)-VPN). Association, Authentication, Disconnection, and DHCP event logs that occur are summarized in chronological order to aid in troubleshooting. | |
Applications usage | Use this menu to view usage of applications such as Social Network, Telephony (VoIP), Advertising, News, Web Services in the network. | |
Summary report | Use this menu to view network statistics for a site, such as bandwidth usage, power usage, top Nebula Devices, top clients and/or top SSIDs. | |
Monitor | ||
Access points | ||
Event log | Use this menu to view all events on the Access Point. An event is something that has happened to a Nebula managed device. | |
Vouchers | Use this menu to create and manage vouchers that allow WiFi network access. | |
Wireless health | Use this menu to view health of the WiFi networks for the supported Access Points and connected clients. | |
WiFi Aid | Use this menu to display an overview of the AP’s WiFi clients connection issues, as an aid to troubleshooting. | |
Summary report | Use this menu to view network statistics specific to Access Points in the site. | |
Switches | ||
Event log | Use this menu to view all events on the Switch. An event is something that has happened to a Nebula managed device. | |
Surveillance | Use this screen to view information about Powered Devices (PDs) connected to ports on the Switch. | |
IPTV report | Use this menu to view available IPTV channels and client information. | |
Summary report | Use this menu to view network statistics specific to Switches in the site. | |
Security router | ||
Event log | Use this menu to view all events on the Security router. An event is something that has happened to a Nebula managed device. | |
VPN connections | Use this menu to view status of the site-to-site VPN connections. | |
Threat report | Use this menu to view statistics for threat management categories. | |
Content Filter report | Use this screen to view statistics for content filter categories. | |
Firewall | ||
Event log | Use this menu to view all events on the Security Firewall. An event is something that has happened to a Nebula managed device. | |
VPN connections | Use this menu to view status of the site-to-site VPN connections. | |
SecuReporter | Use this menu to view the statistics report for NSS (Nebula Security Service), such as content filter, Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP), application patrol, and anti-virus. | |
Summary report | Use this menu to view network statistics specific to the Security Firewall in the site. | |
Security gateway | ||
Event log | Use this menu to view all events on the security gateway. An event is something that has happened to a Nebula managed device. | |
VPN connections | Use this menu to view status of the site-to-site VPN connections. | |
NSS analysis report | Use this menu to view the statistics report for NSS (Nebula Security Service), such as content filter, Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP), application patrol, and anti-virus. | |
Summary report | Use this menu to view network statistics specific to the security gateway in the site. | |
Containment list | Use this menu to view and manage Nebula Devices contained by CDR (Collaborative Detection & Response). | |
Site feature logs | Use this menu to view log messages about configuration changes made by the NCC for the site. | |
Configure | ||
Access points | ||
SSID settings | Use this menu to view and configure SSID settings and authentication methods. | |
SSID advanced settings | Use this menu to configure network access, traffic options, advanced settings for SSID profiles, SSID visibility settings, and set whether the SSID is enabled or disabled on each day of the week. | |
Captive portal customization | Use this menu to configure captive portal settings for SSID profiles. | |
Radio settings | Use this menu to configure global radio settings, such as maximum output power or channel width, and enable smart client steering for all Access Points in the site. | |
Traffic shaping | Use this menu to configure the maximum bandwidth and load balancing. | |
Security service | Use this menu to enable application visibility and optimization, and IP reputation filter on the managed Access Point. | |
AP & port settings | Use this menu to configure load balancing settings and enable or disable a port on the managed Access Point and configure the port’s VLAN settings. | |
Switches | ||
Switch ports | Use this menu to view the Switch port statistics and configure Switch settings for the ports. | |
Port profiles | Use this menu to create profiles that can be applied to each port on the Nebula Device. A port profile can enable the following features such as RSTP, STP guard, port isolation, loop guard, storm control, and PoE. | |
Stacking management | Use this menu to create a stacking system, configure the stacking settings, and view the stacking status. | |
ACL | Use this menu to configure the access control list in order to control access to the Switches. | |
IP & Routing | Use this menu to configure layer 3 features such as creating IP interfaces and static routes on the Switch. | |
ONVIF discovery | Use this menu to enable ONVIF and configure ONVIF VLAN ID for the selected Switch. | |
Advanced IGMP | Use this menu to enable and configure IGMP snooping and create IGMP filtering profiles. | |
Authentication | Use this menu to configure authentication servers and policies. | |
PoE schedules | Use this menu to set the schedule for Switches in distributing power to powered devices. | |
Switch settings | Use this menu to configure global Switch settings, such as (R)STP, QoS, port mirroring, voice VLAN and DHCP white list. | |
Security router | ||
Interface | Use this menu to configure interface address, subnet mask and VLAN ID settings on the Security Router. | |
Threat management | Use this menu to enable threat management categories, configure exception list using client’s name/IP address, and allowed/blocked domain name list. | |
Traffic management | Use this menu to manage the use of various applications on the network and control access to specific web sites or web content. | |
Firewall | Use this menu to configure firewall rules for outbound traffic, create new NAT rules and edit/delete existing NAT rules. | |
Site-to-Site VPN | Use this menu to configure VPN rules between Security Routers. | |
Remote access VPN | Use this menu to enable and configure IPsec VPN rule from off-site clients to an on-site Security Router. ![]() | |
SSID settings | Use this menu to view and configure SSID settings and authentication methods. | |
SSID advanced settings | Use this menu to configure WiFi security, band selection, assisted roaming and U-APSD (Unscheduled automatic power save delivery) settings for the SSID profiles. | |
Radio settings | Use this menu to configure global radio settings, such as maximum output power or channel width, and enable smart client steering for all Security Routers in the site. | |
Router settings | Use this menu to configure DNS settings. | |
Firewall | ||
Port | Use this menu to configure network mode and port grouping on the Security Firewall (USG FLEX / ATP Series). | |
Interface | Use this menu to configure interface address, subnet mask and VLAN ID settings on the Security Firewall (USG FLEX / ATP Series). | |
Port and Interface | Use this menu to configure port groups and network interfaces on the Security Firewall (USG FLEX H Series). | |
Routing | Use this menu to view and configure policy routes, static routes and WAN load balancing. | |
NAT | Use this menu to view and configure virtual servers and NAT settings. | |
Site-to-Site VPN | Use this menu to configure VPN rules between Security Firewalls. | |
Remote access VPN | Use this menu to enable and configure IPsec VPN or L2TP VPN rules from off-site clients to an on-site Security Firewall. | |
Security policy | Use this menu to configure firewall rules for outbound traffic, application patrol, schedule profiles and port forwarding rules for inbound traffic. | |
Security service | Use this menu to enable content filter and block access to specific web sites. You can also enable Anti-virus and Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) on the Security Firewall. | |
Captive portal | Use this menu to configure captive portal settings for each Security Firewall interface. | |
Authentication method | Use this menu to configure network access settings through a captive portal or Nebula Cloud Authentication. | |
Wireless | Use this menu to configure different SSID profiles for your ZyWALL USG FLEX 100W and USG20W-VPN. ![]() | |
Firewall settings | Use this menu to configure the DNS server and address records and also set the external AD (Active Directory) server or RADIUS server that the Security Firewall can use in authenticating users. You can also specify walled garden web site links for all interfaces on the Security Firewall. | |
Security gateway | ||
Interface addressing | Use this menu to configure network mode, port grouping, interface address, static route and DDNS settings on the security gateway. | |
Policy route | Use this menu to view and configure policy routes. | |
Firewall | Use this menu to configure firewall rules for outbound traffic, application patrol, schedule profiles and port forwarding rules for inbound traffic. | |
Security service | Use this menu to enable content filter and block access to specific web sites. You can also enable Anti-virus and Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) on the security gateway. | |
Site-to-Site VPN | Use this menu to configure VPN rules. | |
Remote access VPN | Use this menu to enable and configure IPsec VPN or L2TP VPN settings. | |
Captive portal | Use this menu to configure captive portal settings for each security gateway interface. | |
Network access method | Use this menu to enable or disable web authentication on an interface. | |
Traffic shaping | Use this menu to configure the maximum bandwidth and load balancing. | |
Gateway settings | Use this menu to configure the DNS server and address records and also set the external AD (Active Directory) server or RADIUS server that the security gateway can use in authenticating users. You can also specify walled garden web site links for all interfaces on the security gateway. | |
Alert settings | Use this menu to set which alerts are created and emailed or sent by the Zyxel Nebula Mobile app. You can also set the email addresses to which an alert is sent. | |
Firmware management | Use this menu to upgrade firmware or schedule firmware upgrades for Nebula Devices in the site. | |
Cloud authentication | Use this menu to add user accounts and grant user access to the selected site through different authentication methods, such as the MAC-based authentication, captive portal or the IEEE 802.1x authentication method. | |
Collaborative detection & response | Use this menu to view and configure the policies and notification settings for malware, IDP and web threats and corresponding containment actions to quarantine, alert or block. This is only available for ZyWALL USG Flex Series and ZyWALL ATP Series at the time of writing. | |
Site settings | Use this menu to change the general settings for the site, such as the site name, Nebula Device login password, captive portal reauthentication, SNMP, AP traffic logs to a Syslog server, traffic logs to SecuReporter, WiFi network authentication voucher settings, and API access for DPPSK third-party integration. | |
Organization-wide | License & inventory | Use this menu to manage your licenses and view the summary of Nebula Devices which have been registered and assigned to the sites in the selected organization. |
Administrators | Use this menu to view, remove, or create a new administrator account for this organization. | |
Organization-wide manage | ||
Organization portal | Use this menu to view a list of sites belonging to the selected organization and detailed information about the Nebula Devices connected to the sites. | |
Configuration management | Use this menu to synchronize the configuration between sites or switch ports and back up or restore a configuration file. | |
Configuration templates | Use this menu to create or delete a configuration template or bind a site to the template. | |
VPN orchestrator | Use this menu to view and manage VPNs created for the selected organization. | |
Security profile sync | Use this menu to synchronize the settings of URL threat filter, anti-malware and content filter on the selected gateways. | |
Firmware management | Use this menu to upgrade firmware or schedule firmware upgrades for Nebula Devices in the organization. | |
Cloud authentication | Use this menu to create or remove user accounts and grant user access to all sites in the selected organization through different authentication methods, such as MAC-based authentication, captive portal, or the IEEE 802.1x authentication method. | |
Change log | Use this menu to view log messages about configuration changes in this organization. | |
Organization settings | Use this menu to configure security settings or delete the organization. | |
Group-wide | Group-wide manage | |
Group portal | Use this menu to view organization and license details of a selected group. | |
Org-to-Org VPN | Use this menu to view and manage VPNs between members in the group. | |
Inventory | Use this menu to view Nebula Devices belonging to organizations. You may also export the list of Nebula Devices found to your computer. | |
Administrators | Use this menu to view, remove, or create a new administrator account for the selected group. | |
Change log | Use this menu to view log messages about configuration changes in the group. | |
Group settings | Use this menu to configure group information and group members. | |
MSP | MSP cross-org manage | |
MSP portal | Use this menu to create multiple organizations and change the branding and assign administrators to multiple organizations. | |
Admins & teams | Use this menu to create administrators or groups of administrators (teams) and view their login details. | |
Cross-org synchronization | Use this menu to sync or clone organization-wide settings from a source organization to a destination organization. | |
Backup & restore | Use this menu to back up your current Security Firewall’s configurations to NCC, or restore a previously saved configuration to the site. | |
Alert templates | Use this menu to configure MSP alert templates to monitor Nebula Devices for unexpected events (for example, online or offline events). | |
Firmware upgrades | Use this menu to check the Nebula Devices' firmware status across organizations and schedule firmware upgrades. | |
Change log | Use this menu to view log messages about configuration changes in the Admins & teams and Cross-org synchronization screens. | |
MSP branding | Use this menu to upload/replace/remove the dashboard logo. You can also set the support contact details. |